Bird Club events and gatherings:
Stay informed about all the exciting events at Hervey Bay Bird Club.

Discover the Best Bird & Sale in Qld.
Hervey Bay Bird Club Inc
10th annual bird sale
Sunday, 3 August 2025
- For bookings
- Call Dave 0447231801
- or Errol 0408009379
- Trade tables wanted
- Details and updates as we get closer to the date will be posted on our Events Page and Events Calendar
The above files will be updated for the 2025 – they are supplied as an example for your information.

Koala Markets
Twice a month the club has a site at the Koala Markets – 2nd & 4th Sundays of the month.
The Club hosts the site for Bird Club members to bring along their birds or bird related items to sell. The Club also has cages, seed, egg & biscuit and other items for sale as well.
It varies, but you are sure to find:
- Birds of all types depending on what birds members have available each markets day.
- Bird Cages;
- Calcium Blocks;
- Bird Seed; and
- Great Bird Advice from experienced Bird Club members.

Bird Club Meetings
Last Saturday of each month
From January to November, we meet on the last Saturday of the month at 1pm. When we have a BBQ meeting, we will start at 12noon.
Most meetings are held at the Pialba Scout Hall in Andrew St, Pialba but several times a year we hold BBQ’s or aviary visits in conjunction with the meeting at other venues. See the events calendar for each meeting date and venue.
The monthly meat tray raffle is also a real bonus if the luck is with you.
Apart from the formal aspects of the meeting, we have plenty of time for a chat and a cuppa.